About Nantwich and District Scottish Society

Nantwich & District Scottish Society was founded in 1958 and is still going strong after more than 60 years. We are affiliated to the RSCDS and we belong to the Lancs & Cheshire Federation of Scottish Societies, an organisation bringing together about 30 Societies throughout the area, including parts of North Wales. Our classes take place on Monday evenings (September through to May) at Wistaston Memorial Hall, Church Lane, Crewe. Beginners are welcome at any time. We hold a New Year Ceilidh, a Burns' Supper and Dance, a Ball (jointly, with two other Societies) and an informal Summer Dance. Social activities, such as countryside walks, bowls matches and informal lunches/afternoon teas are arranged on an ad hoc basis. Members of other Societies are always welcome at our classes and events.

Contact Name: Christine Grove

Dance Styles: Scottish Country

Roles: Event Organiser, Dance Teacher, Regular Dance Classes, Caller

Events: Dance

Main Area: Cheshire

Website: https://nantwichscots.org

Forthcoming Events

Date   Event Name/Venue Description/Dance Styles
Summer Dance
Worleston Village Hall
Informal Summer Dance. 'Bring and Share' supper.
Scottish Country