Tea Dance ☆ StJames
Dance run by Michael Jays ☆ Discos and Dance Events
Tuesday 30 May 2023
Tea Dance
Dance Styles: 1940s Jive, Foxtrot, Quickstep, Rock n Roll, Popular Sequence, Waltz, Modern Sequence
Price: £3.50
Time: 1-30pm till 3-30pm
Ticket Options: Pay on door
St James Tea Dance
An afternoon of social dancing to popular & modern sequence dances with a 60 /40 mix modern ballroom and a hint of rock n roll requests played where possible!
Everything stops for 🍵 Tea
* Free *
Tea coffee and biscuits during the session
No bar facilities Please bring your own nibbles and refreshments

St James Hall venue
Social & Sequence dancing for everyone
Saturday Social Dance held on
the 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month
7-30pm till 10-30pm all abilities everyone welcome
Popular and modern sequence dancing plus modern ballroom Latin and jive
Friendly atmosphere and a great place to meet new friends solo dancers welcome
This purpose built
Single story community hall boasts a beautiful sprung dance floor of good standard
Ladies and gentlemen's rest rooms and disabled toilet facilities
Free Tea and Coffee during the evening and afternoon sessions
NB The hall is Licensed but as no bar
Please bring your own refreshments and nibbles
St James as Cctv car parking to the front and rear of the hall and on street parking on Beaufort Grove and Bolton Rd facing St James
St James Community Hall
Beaufort Grove
BD2 4Lj
Set back off Bolton Rd /A6176 facing
St James & St Cuthberts Church and is visible from Bolton Rd
Single story building plenty of car parking to the front and rear of the building and on street parking
Buses No 72 stops directly outside St James and St Cuthberts Church
Address: Beaufort Grove Bradford BD2 4LJ Bradford Bradford BD2 4LJ
Show on Google Maps
Michael Jays ☆ Discos and Dance Events organiser
Dancing to the Sounds of Michael Jay - Copper Beach Baildon ☆ Pudsey Civic Victoria Hall Keighley
More information about Michael Jays ☆ Discos and Dance Events including other forthcoming events