Balboa Workshop

Dance Styles: Balboa, Charleston, Jazz Steps, Lindy Hop

Price: Advance price £39

Time: 11:30 am to 5pm

Ticket Options: Ticket recommended (pay on door if places available)

Balboa workshop

WITH Graeme and Ann from Hoppin Mad

3 classes - special Advance price £39 plus £10 for evening dance with Marvin Muoneke 'The Jazz Man' and his band. International jazz singer. Featured on TV and

Graeme and Ann have many years of experience behind them and learnt from the best teachers like Frankie Manning. Join us for a great afternoon to improve your knowledge and understanding of Balboa.
3 Classes over the afternoon taking time to cover this unique dance.

Class 1 - Refresher and improving your technique
Class 2 - Balboa into Lindy and Lindy into Balboa - making it flow
Class 3 - Higher level to include come arounds etc.
Venue: St James Church Hall, Mount Pleasant Road, Exeter EX4 7AH
Doors open 11:30am
ADVANCE PRICE: £39 ends 21st February

Email for payment detais.

Venue: St James Church Hall, Mount Pleasant Road, Exeter EX4 7AH

St James Church Hall venue

Entertainment Venue - Church Hall.

Hall is situated behind the hall with on site parking

Address: Mount Pleasant Road Exeter Devon EX4 7AH

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South West Lindy Hoppers organiser

Lindyhop dance teachers and organisers


More information about South West Lindy Hoppers including other forthcoming events