Tuesday Dance and Social Club for Adults

Dance Styles: Argentine Tango, Cha Cha Cha (Ballroom), Foxtrot, Jive (Ballroom), Modern Tango, Old Time Dancing, Quickstep, Rock n Roll, Rumba, Popular Sequence, Waltz, Modern Sequence

Price: £5 per person

Time: Dancing 8pm -10.30pm (club open 7pm to 11pm).

Ticket Options: Pay on door

Weekly Sequence and Ballroom dance and social club in the friendly and relaxed surroundings of the Russel Park Social Club.
We have a variety of music providers playing for your dancing and listening pleasure.
The Tuesday Club has been successfully running for several years and is unique in its friendliness. The evening is suitable for all dancers ( and non dancers) with or without a partner.
Andy and I are very proud to be part of the dedicated and hard working committee that runs the Tuesday Dance and Social Club.
There is a licensed bar and hot drinks are also available.

If you cannot dance or want to brush up on your dancing skills then contact our resident qualified dance teachers. Annie & Andy.
Lessons include Social Sequence, Ballroom & Latin , Ballroom Line Dances, Party Dances and Rock n roll.
Please note lessons are taught as a separate arrangement to the dance.

For more information please contact
Annie Seaborn - 01234 364690 Email. - Annie.seaborn@gmail.com 07801 758877
Andy Seaborn - 07949 671 647

Russell Park Social Club venue

Friendly dance and social group meets for friendship and dancing to a variety of music providers. Mainly social sequence with Ballroom, Latin and party dances. Tuition available by arrangement. Licensed Bar and raffle.

On main road opposite Bedford Rugby ground and bus stop nearby.

Address: 69 Goldington Rd Bedford Bedfordshire Mk40 3ND

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Annie & Andy’s Dance Club organiser

Adult Ballroom Dancing in Bedfordshire and beyond

Website: http://annieseaborn.danceorg.uk

More information about Annie & Andy’s Dance Club including other forthcoming events