FASH Sunday Dance Workshop
Workshop run by FASH (Folk Association of South Hants)
Sunday 13 April 2025
Jane Thomas with music from Pete & Sue Hall - a Soberton smorgasbord of interesting dances
Dance Styles: Contra, Country Dance
Price: £12 (£9 FASH members) £6 half day
Time: 10.30 to 3.30 - Bring Your Own lunch
Ticket Options: Pay on door
a pick and mix of dances that Jane enjoys teaching and dancing
Soberton Village Hall venue
The venue has a large car park.
From the east: take the M27 and leave at junction 10. From where the slip road joins the A32, continue north following signs for Alton.
As you approach Droxford, just past the 40 mph sign, turn right into a narrow road signposted Soberton and the White Lion PH. At the end of this road, turn right past the White Lion, at the crossroads turn left onto Long Road and immediately left into the car park.
From the west: on the M27, as junction 10 is only a one-way interchange, continue east to leave at junction 11. Go round the roundabout and rejoin the M27 heading west. Leave at junction 10 and follow the instructions for travelling from the east.
From the north: via the M3 or the A34, continue onto the M27 heading east towards Portsmouth and follow the instructions for "from the west".
Address: Corner of School Hill and Long Road Soberton (north of Fareham) Hampshire SO32 3PF
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FASH (Folk Association of South Hants) organiser
FASH is a voluntary organisation that runs workshops and supports Folk activities across Hampshire
Website: http://www.fash.org.uk
More information about FASH (Folk Association of South Hants) including other forthcoming events